Note to everyone: The "experience" question will either be dropped or will be
handled by email survey afterwards. Don't worry about what you see on the
screen in relation to your answer to the question.
The darkest secret of this whole affair is that only 27 have uploaded so far.
The mechanism on what to do with the entries depends on the numbers. If
there's say 1500 pretty good ones, it's a simple data dump to CD. If
there's 10x that number, there may have to be contests, ranking by judges,
etc... The process is intended to be automated but isn't set up exactly like
the IRTC.
Any pointers from the group on means of sending out reminders?
So the deadline is until we get either a sufficient quantity of publishable
material or enough material to clog the raytrace.com server.
There is a finite (however small) chance that we'll get 500 entrants to submit
in the next 12 hours, leaving those who haven't done so today to be included
in the CD: "10Best: the Next Generation". Maybe your kids will be on it too.
Ruy wrote:
> Is the deadline still today for uploading images and entering the contest?
> Is anyone, either than me, going to admitedly miss it?
> Ruy
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